Lavender 'allardi' This plantcomesfrom the intersection oflavandula dentatawithlavandulaangustifolia.
Aloe vera Aloe Vera has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient civilizations.
Calendula Also known as pot marigold, it is an excellent natural insecticide.
Chamomile The word camomile comes from the Greek term chamaimelon, which means "creeping apple.
Thistle The thistle flower is one of the three ingredients indispensable to the making of Serra da Estrela Cheese, along with milk and salt. It is also used in the manufacture of other cheeses such as Azeitão Cheese and Flor de Guía Cheese (born in the Spanish Canary Islands).
It attracts pollinating insects.
Wild Teasel Its inflorescences were used to card the wool, hence its name.
Field Horsetail The horsetail belongs to the equisetaceae family and is characterized by being a vivacious herbaceous plant.
It is a medicinal plant to which are attributed therapeutic and mineral properties essential to health, in addition to acting in the fight against flu and colds and have many advantages for the body.
Lemon Balm Widely used to ensure a good night's sleep.
Coriander Coriander, is an annual plant of the Apiaceae family.
Mexican Marigold This is edible flower. It can be used in the preparation of various salads and dishes.
Echinacea It is able to increase the responsiveness of the immune system.
Echinacea angustifolia Echinacea acts as a natural antibiotic. It is widely used today in traditional medicine.
Lemon Grass Plantwhose popularityinPortugalearned a goldstarsto twoPortuguese brandsin the international competition"GreatTasteAwards".
Curry Plant The essential oil of curry plant is very rare and precious, the most powerful and well-known anti hematona.
Tarragon Is a very typical seasoning in French cuisine.
Fennel This plant is spontaneous in the Azores and Madeira.
St. John's Wort It is perhapsthe only Portugueseplant with thename of a region.
Hyssop Plant with the most varied medicional uses.
Hart's pennyroyal Especiallypopularin Algarve,where it isused as anaromatic herbto flavorthestews.
Bowles apple mint Has a scent and flavour similar to apples or pineapples.
Water mint Have a strong andminty taste andexudesan intenseperfume.
Pineapple mint With a slightscent ofpineapple, it isgreatto use insalads, fruit saladsand juices.
Chocolate mint Sweetand refreshingaroma thatseemslikethepopularchocolate, "After Eight".
Peppermint Veryusedin the manufacture ofchewing gums andtoothpastes.
Spearmint One of its mostpopular usesisas amedicinal plant.
Swedish Ivy The most cultivated variety of this plant is Plectranthus forsteri marginatus, whose name comes from its attractive green foliage with white margins.
Swedish Ivy Perennial plant that releases a pleasant and intense aroma.
Lavandin It has one of the strongest fragrances among the lavenders.
Lemon verbana One of the most popularplantsused in teasinPortugal, earnedgoldstarsto twoPortuguese brandsin the international competition"GreatTasteAwards".
Bay laurel Symbolof nobility andimmortality, the extremities oflaurelhavetherapeutic properties.
Basil Used intraditionalMargheritapizzaand as a basicingredient ofGenoesepesto.
Basil Used in cooking gives a special touch to the dishes because its leaves have a beautiful coloration.