Redes Sociais
Redes Sociais

Projects and Technical Support

Final Exploitation
Agricultural exploitation
Agricultural exploitation
Agricultural exploitation

AMU.bio contains contacts from all the different suppliers needed for your agricultural installation (machinery, warehouses, greenhouses, irrigation, etc.).

Also knows all the market, national and international (markets: French, Germany and Nordic).

If you pretend to build a new farm in the area of ​​aromatic plants, for leaf drying or essential oil extraction, ask us how can we help:

Technical guidanceTechnical guidance: terrain analysis, farm visit, sun guidance, watering times and key considerations when choosing suppliers; 

Technical support in the installationTechnical support in the installation;

Preparation of Community Fund ApplicationsPreparation of Community Fund Applications (PDR-2020): Young farmer; investments in the farm, smal investments in the farm, etc...

Commercial networkingCommercial networking;

To be contacted by AMU.bio technicians, submit the following form: